solid carbon fiber ribbed plate

Rapidly changing environments are creating new performance requirements across a range of industries from the marine, mining, defence, aerospace and industrial sectors.

Our mission is to respond by delivering exceptional composite parts and assemblies which address these new requirements using the latest technology and experience.

About us

Composite manufacture within Australia tends to be predominantly basic in technology - other than aerospace and not “large industry”. Our point of difference is that we work with all types of companies and government bodies with big ideas and create what they can’t, or what they think can’t be done. We are independent and not risk-averse and have a strong record of undertaking difficult and complex projects and delivering positive results. Consequently, we are proud recipients of an Australian Design Award and multiple JEC Composite Innovation commendations.

Diversification of our client base has been key for our innovation; we are constantly reinvesting our education to new clients based on our past experiences. Composite Components currently operates in a number of commercial arenas, and are involved in the fields of medical, defence, aerospace, maritime, automotive, mining (land-based), oil & gas, architectural and recreational goods.

Driven by a passion for the potential for advanced composites manufacturing, Glen Oldfield founded Composite Components in 2002. The business has grown year on year to deliver the best composite products and solutions to their client base nationally and internationally.

Services and products range from equipment that operates 6000m under the ocean, in high-end medical and sports training facilities to flying 20,000 feet in the skies above.

The team are dedicated to using the highest manufacturing standards and the latest technology to create the very best solution for our customers. We work closely with our clients respecting their need for confidentiality and treating their intellectual property with due sensitivity. We stand behind every part we make and strive to achieve the ‘world’s best standard’ in our field.