Fuel Measurement Instrument - Government

Design, CAD/CAM, Testing, Prototype & Production manufacturing

The National Measurement Institute visits fuel stations around the country to test the accuracy of the fuel bowsers. Their previous equipment was cumbersome and heavy so they looked to create lighter, stronger, and easier equipment for the inspectors to use for occupational health and safety reasons. In addition to the lightweight properties of carbon fibre, the product’s extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion (exceeding that of metals) met the rigorous design and measurement accuracy specifications of the National Measurement Institute.

Composite Components designed and built a prototype to meet their specifications, including incorporating a quick release mechanism, ensuring the trolley was stable whether empty or full, overall weight not exceeding 16kg when empty, and the like.

Upon testing five prototypes by various inspectors over a two-week period, a few minor improvement opportunities arose and the Composite Components team then proceeded to build a series for use in the field.

carbon fibre measuring device

Tidal Turbines


Payload delivery