Composites in WA Defence

Our team was pleased as punch to be featured in the leading magazine for the defence industry in WA. Nestled among the fascinating reads about the state of WA’s defence sector and the launch of Western Australia’s Inaugural Defence Strategic Plan by the McGowan government, Composite Components had a full-page feature.

Writer Valerie Goodreid clearly picked up on our enthusiasm for being flexible and solving problems including inventing the necessary machinery if needed.

Composite Components featured in WA Defence Review Magazine

Some highlights from the article (if you're finding it difficult to read the image) :

“They specialise in outside-the-box thinking, and flexible approaches to problem-solving. Composite Components take pride in creating the best of the best, using the most modern technology to surpass the competition and fulfill their clients’ requirements.

Glen Oldfield, who manages the team, has a can-do approach to getting the work done, if the machines required to complete a job don’t exist, he simply invents and builds them.

Flexibility is key at Composite Components, at levels of the business… Much of Composite Component’s success is due to their state-of-the-art equipment. Glen says he is ‘an early adopter of technology’ always on the lookout for a newer and better way to manufacture.”

Thanks Valerie for your words.

If you’d like to work with us, please get in contact.


Composite parts vs steel parts